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Source Building

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To browse the source tree directly:


Use this command to check out the latest project source code:

Powered by: Git


We use the trunk for the next main release; then we use a branch for any bug fixes on the previous major release. You can look at all branches here:


Dubbo uses Maven as its build tool. If you don't fancy using Maven you can use your IDE directly or Download a distribution or JAR.

  • Java 1.5 or better
  • Download and install Maven 2.2.1 or better.
  • Get the latest Source
Maven options

To build dubbo maven has to be configured to use more memory

A normal build
Doing a Quick Build

Available as of Dubbo 2.0

The following skips building the manual, the distro and does not execute the unit tests.

Using an IDE

If you prefer to use an IDE then you can auto-generate the IDE's project files using maven plugins. e.g.


Importing into Eclipse

If you have not already done so, you will need to make Eclipse aware of the Maven repository so that it can build everything. In the preferences, go to Java->Build Path->Classpath and define a new Classpath Variable named M2_REPO that points to your local Maven repository (i.e., ~/.m2/repository on Unix and c:\Documents and Settings\<user>\.m2\repository on Windows).

You can also get Maven to do this for you:

Building source jars

If you want to build jar files with the source code, that for instance Eclipse can important so you can debug the Dubbo code as well. Then you can run this command from the dubbo root folder:

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